Monday, June 3, 2019

Ikwen Kickstsarter is Live!

Apologies to the community here, I thought this post had already been made.

Our new 15mm Ikwen Uprising Kickstarter is live

New Ikwen Riflemen with Assault Rifles 2

Original Ikwen with Assault Rifles
Ikwen Quad concept art. Weapons and full turret are not final designs and merely stand-ins.

The whole point of this project is to expand the already very well-received Ikwen range of miniatures. At its core, this project presents 30+ new models in 15mm scale. New troops types are being added in the form of special and heavy weapon troopers, communication/ECM specialists, command, ambushing troops and even anti-armor troops. A vehicle is in the works as part of the core as well as gunners to be added to existing models and toy vehicles from gamers' collections helping to simulate technicals, pressed into service by the Ikwen.
  • CODES BEING MADE WITH THIS KICKSTARTER (Also use this list for calculating add-ons)
  • RAP042 Ikwen Militia Leaders (6 Ikwen Leader poses- 4 regular, 1 holy man, 1 fanatic) $4.00
  • RAP043 Ikwen Vehicle Gunners (3 Ikwen w/heavy weapons for use in the backs of vehicles or hatches) $4.00
  • RAP044 Ikwen Croakers (6 Ikwen in 3 poses w/improvised Comms/ECM packs and assault carbines $4.00
  • RAP045 Ikwen Plasma Bombers (6 Ikwen poses w/improvised anti-vehicle plasma charges in different poses - throwing, sneaking, arming) $4.00
  • RAP046 Ikwen Ambushers (6 Ikwen poses in stealth ambush poses - 2 w/advanced sniper rifles, 2 w/rocket launchers, 2 w/scoped standard assault rifles) $4.00
  • RAP047 Ikwen Militia With Assault Rifles 2 (6 NEW poses w/standard assault rifles in combat poses) $4.00
  • RAP048 Ikwen Tripod Mounted HMG (1 HMG w/2 Ikwen crew) $4.00
  • RAP049 Ikwen Heavy Rocket Launcher (1 multi-tube rocket launcher w/2 Ikwen crew) $4.00
  • RAP050 Ikwen Gun Quad (4x4 attack vehicle with open back. Comes with 2 HMGs, 1 twin HMG, crew, and driver) $13.00
  • RAP051 Ikwen Light Attack Quad w/Autocannon (Remote Turret) $13.00
  • RAP051A Ikwen Light Attack Quad w/Missile Launcher (Remote Turret) $13.00
  • RAP052 Ikwen Heavy Attack Quad (Full turret version w/heavy gun) $15.00
If you loved the Ikwen we released yeards back and would love to see the range expand, please consider backing this campaign. All older Ikwen codes are available as add-ons, so it is also a great way to dive into a new army.

Thank you, 



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  2. I am excited about these expansions for my existing Ikwen miniatures.
